
Career at UWB

The University of West Bohemia is alive and growing – thanks to its history, the expanding offer of study disciplines, student energy, and mainly thanks to its employees: their abilities, enthusiasm, and determination. More than two thousand people take care of students day by day and open doors for them to quality education and successful careers. And we thank them for that.
Jobs at UWB [cz]

Why work at a university?

“Forever young” at the university

Everyday work with young people brings about many inspiring moments. We share joy and enthusiasm with our students, and in return, we offer them our experience and support them in their growth.

A highly esteemed job

The University of West Bohemia is one of the top employers in the region. We highly value our employees and offer them many benefits, including further educational opportunities.

Make your plans reality

The University cooperates with well-known companies and institutions, and its research centres have generated numerous new technologies. Your ideas should not stay locked in your head or a drawer. We offer you an opportunity to implement them.